Why are we so cruel?

I have not written anything in a while, but I have been keeping up on a few things while I was away, like the accusations against the elephant sanctuaries locally, and the rhino and elephant slaughter.  And it really breaks my heart that we as humans can be so cruel, so monstrous.

This morning I wake up to a post of 117 Elephant carcasses found in a game reserve in Kenya.  Now I ask you, what did those poor majestic creatures do, to deserve such a massacre?  Is existing really their only crime? They do not come into our homes and steel our food, or destroy our houses, or threaten to kill us and our families.  So why do we do it to them? And it does not seem to be letting up either, no matter how many advertisements we make to beg for them to stop, no matter how many Facebook posts we re-post, or tweets we send out there, no matter how many people take up the fight everyday to try and save them.

They are busy dying out, by the hundreds if not thousands yearly, and the idiots killing them (for sport, for “medicine”, for whatever stupid reason they can come up with) is slowly killing the human race in turn. Do they not realize the fragile balance that nature upholds, that killing one species, leads to the death of another, and another, and another.  When all the elephants and rhino’s are finally dead, do we really think that they will stop there? Its a domino effect.  Once they are all gone, they will only find the next innocent creature and come up with another reason to kill those, be it Giraffes, hippo’s, zebra’s, any or all of them.  I mean we basically destroyed all the gorillas.

We have already lost so many beautiful creatures already, I did some research and found so many, I couldn’t possibly list them all, but I will list a few I found who’s extinction is directly linked to human involvement (destruction of habitat, poaching, hunting, sport hunting, “seen as threats”)

– Baiji River Dolphin

Such a peaceful Creature

Such a peaceful Creature

– Purenean Ibex

– West African Black Rhino

West African Black Rhino

– Tasmanian Tiger

– Quagga

The last of their kind.

The last of their kind.

– Tecopa Pupfish

– Passenger Pigeon

Even those we deem unimportant matter

Even those we deem unimportant matter

– Carribean Monk Seal

– Bubal Hartebeest

– Javan Tiger

– Cape Lion

I am saddened by the fact that I will never see any of these creatures, I, like so many other people, have been robbed of the gift of seeing creatures like these ever in our lifetimes.  I have only seen two of these in a stuffy old museum, behind think pieces of glass… Stuffed pale versions of what the Cape Lion and Quagga looked like.

These beings are being stolen from us by stupid, greedy murderers.  They deserve to be locked up, and sometimes in my deepest darkest insides (which bubbles with fury when I see some of the images or read the reports) I really think the punishment should fit the crime.

I just wish there was more that I could do, apart from seeing a row of crosses when I drive down the road ( there is a place in one of our suburbs where they put up a white cross for every rhino killed in a year), more than just donate a couple of Rand, more than just wear black on black Friday….just more.

Just tell me why?????

a heavily pregnant cow killed before she could give birth to her full term calf

The brutality of South African Rhino Poaching, there are not words to express the anger and utter helplessness one feels when facing this kind of cruelty and horror.  In South Africa alone the count for Rhino’s killed for their horns in 2013 is over 200.  How do you live with yourself knowing that you killed an innocent creature for its Horn which in actual fact has no medical or magical properties, no matter what you believe.  Its stupid and you are causing the destruction of an entire species.

These majestic animals are treasure to our society and something to be looked after and cared for with the utmost respect and wonder.

Please, I am begging…. STOP KILLING OUR RHINO’S

The Cove Movie: Its not just a movie


If people in the world need to see one movie, it would be this one.  Its not a movie, its a real life story about the cruelty there is in the world.  It is heartbreaking and shocking but it is an eye opener.  No human being could watch this and not be outraged. Makes me want to go to Taijii myself.


CarteBlanche – Elephant Abuse in Circus


I saw this last Sunday and I was absolutely outraged.  This is why I refuse to go to any kind of Circus anymore.  How can anyone be so cruel and so inhumane.  To harm such peaceful trusting gentle beasts.  Wild animals belong in the wild.  They are not there to entertain us with silly tricks.  These creatures are most spectacular when they are free.